Ever since we have moved to our new place, I have less work to do – guess because my kids are older and don’t demand much of my attention. So all I am left with is my laptop and a few household chores.
Over a past few months, I noticed that my belly is bulging a little, and this worried me a lot – mostly because my old pair of jeans is not fitting me. Whenever I wore them, my belly kind of hanged over the belt. It was too embarrassing especially when I wore shirts that flaunted my figure. Because this time instead of the shape that I was proud of always, my bulge showed – and it showed badly! So I decided to take matter in hands and have started with a small regime devised by me. I started it last week and I am beginning to notice little results. (Well, when you have gained weight, even small results matter and you feel confident that you have taken a step to look good.) Moreover, I am motivated to carry this regime onwards – mostly because I saw results right in the first week. Am I happy!! So I decided that I am going to share it with you all on weekly basis.
Last week:
Day 1: I went to a small party where I met like-minded friends who were interested in losing weight. While all of them wanted to lose weight – they wanted some quick way without interrupting their normal lifestyle. How can this be possible? For example there’s this friend who is a teacher at school and doesn’t want to bulge from her chair while she wants to go for some quick weight loss methods! This simply can’t be...

But, I was lucky and found a friend who shared my level of motivation and actually wanted to shed weight. There was only one problem – she didn’t want to buy any of those expensive regimes offered on the Internet. No Problem! At least she wanted to work out. And that how it started.
Day 2: We decided to go slow on the weight loss routine, and we just went for morning walks. At first I around walked a field of 400 m 4 times. This made me sweat and was an eye opener –
MY STAMINA WAS ALSO LOW! 20-25 minutes of walking was a gargantuan task for a person who is not overweight. So if you guys aren’t overweight and make fun of obese people, think twice – you may not be the fit one. Exercises not only make you feel fit, they make you lose weight.
On coming back to home, I decided to eat my regular meal at breakfast, but stopped myself. I am sure I must have burnt at least 100 calories (maybe less) on my first day of waking my body from slumber. Thus I ate something which had less calories and which could get digested easily into my system and at the same time not get converted into stubborn fats. So, I had
boiled EGG (70 cal). After a while I again felt hungry, and my stomach rebelled.
I am a freelancer and I have numerous projects at hand all the time. This makes me sit in front of the computer for a long time and honestly I feel hungry after every brainwork I do. Thus I need to feed my brain, too.
I took “
lemonize” – my own creation – one glass water + one teaspoon honey + few drops of lemon. I had it and there VIOLA! my stomach was fed for the coming 3-4 hours whereby I didn’t feel hungry at all.
To be continued....